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Jada forces will to talk on camera

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Jada toxic wife forces Will Smith on camera

Don’t start filming me without asking me

Toxic Jada Forcing Emotionally Distressed Will Smith

Will Smith’s toxic wife Jada Pinkett Smith, forces the anxious and emotionally drained and distressed husband into talking on camera on this clip from a past live stream. Video resurfaces. Will looks clearly uncomfortable and trying to act calm while feeling anxious.

You know _ is coming to the table, she is going to be at the Red Table, says Jada.
Would you say she is been instrumental in you and I redefining our relationship? She asks

Will Smith: I would say don’t just start filming me without asking me if you can film me. My social media presence it’s my bread and butter, so you just can’t use me for your social media, replies Will.

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