Do Kwon buys 125 million and another $125 million. A large buy has an effect in the market. So won also said., I dare you, I dare you guys to short Bitcoin. Right now you don’t want to be a shorter, you don’t want to short Bitcoin. The number of Bitcoins after exchanges continues to go up and up.
No other hedgefund on WallStreet outperformed Bitcoin. Volanic bonds are coming form El Salvador. Exxon Mobil are thinking about using flare gas to mine Bitcoin. Every single oil company on Earth should be thinking about doing this. Mining companies are not selling, more than 92% of Bitcoins have been mined.
It is like a Cold War among miners to accumulate as much Bitcoin as possible before it is all gone. Good stuff. Enough about Bitcoin, last thing to talk about is Metaverse.
As for Axie there seems to be lots of anticipation for this new Orion.. Right now you can’t get three Axies – which are the main characters in the game .- The new game will give a way free Axies to attract new players in.
207,000 users that are using AXIE as a main source of income. That’s quite a lot. And if you look at daily statistics.. The balance 1.7 billion.. So AXIE could get stronger with this new upgrade.
As for DEFI Kingdomws, there’s only 6 more days until this cryscalvale expansion opens up..
There will be new in-game items and mechanics. There’s rumors that staking crystal
So this is good overall for JEWL, for Harmony, for Avalanche, ythis is coming in the near future.