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William Shatner returns from a space trip on Blue Origin, Jeff Bezo’s space company. Shatner comes back very moved and philosophical about life, the inmensity of space, the dramatic hange between blue and black in seconds, and just a wholesome life-changing experience. CNN News.
William Shatner emerges from capsule after blue origin space flight. It was unbelieavable. Did you see the blue color and now you are staring at the black.. that’s the thingm this cover of blue and you sudden booom and you are looking at the blckness at the black ugliness and it’s just there is mother and the Earth and comfort and theer is .. is that death? Is that tge waydeatgh is? Whoooppp and it’s gone. It’s so moving to me, this experience it’s something unbelievable. That is so weird, but not this pure this soft blue, the beauty of that and it’s so thin.. Blue into black